Over two years ago, I bought a vintage christening kimono on E-bay. No big deal, right? That's what I thought too.The Kimono was in good condition. It arrived on time. Best of all (because I am a cheap-skate) it was inexpensive. Done deal.
Several days later, I received a newsletter from the seller in Japan. Newsletter #1 the E-Mail said. It was a slow news day so I opened it. It took about forever to figure out what the sender was trying to say. I was able to ascertain that it was from Ichiro in Osaka. He started his business selling kimonos. He was now expanding to E-bay and was learning English from "Chris" who I guessed was an American living in Japan. OK, fine. I deleted the E-Mail and moved on to more pressing matters. Nigerian lotteries and bootleg Viagra.
The newsletters kept coming. I kept reading. Over time, I developed a little crush on Ichiro. I looked forward to his letters. I monitored his progress. (I am well aware that this confession speaks more to my pathetic life, than his determination to be successful in America) Ichiro is smart and funny. Cute too, I'm sure, and he has a real passion for what he is doing. What's not to love?
I have also learned a few things along the way. I have learned about Japanese culture, politics, food, and yes, kimonos. (All of this information will be beneficial when he realizes that he loves me as much as I love him.) As Ichiro's English improved, I also learned that he has a wife (sigh). I am undaunted.
I still read his newsletters. I still carry a torch. I refuse to believe that he only sends the almost daily love notes because of some stupid mailing list I signed up for two years ago. He is speaking to me. I know it. I feel it...
Here is an excerpt from a recent letter. (I see that it says "Customers & Friends" that is code for Hot American Girlfriend)
Dear Customers & Friends
Hello from Japan! This is Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.214.Recently I inquired about American vintage fabric, and I came to know American women made quilts in Civil War era(1861-1865). We know nothing about American quilt, so we moved how American women supported their husbands, sons and brothers, who had been obliged to go to war against their brother. To American customers, more description must not be needed, but for other countries' readers, we would like to write more...
Have a nice weekend!
Ichiro & -Yoka Wada
Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYAhttp://www.ichiroya.com/
I told you he was brilliant! Look, his English is almost perfect. He has inquired about "American Vintage Fabric" How sweet is that? What straight guy do you know that would do this? It is fate. We are destined to be together. We cannot be separated by geography or prior marital commitments. It is only a matter of time.
I told you he was brilliant! Look, his English is almost perfect. He has inquired about "American Vintage Fabric" How sweet is that? What straight guy do you know that would do this? It is fate. We are destined to be together. We cannot be separated by geography or prior marital commitments. It is only a matter of time.
"Kimi o ai shiteru, Ichi" (I call him Ichi)
That is quite possibly the sweetest stalker post I have ever read! After reading it I have a small crush on your crush on Ichiroya.
Yep, that is I, the sweet stalker! Now if only “ichi” would share your sentiments! (hehe)
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