Have you ever wondered how the reindeer spend their free time while they wait for those annoying elves to finish making Christmas toys?
I have.
I assumed they played strip poker and smoked cigars.
Not. So.
Apparently, they hang out at my house.
How do I know this?
I have.
I assumed they played strip poker and smoked cigars.
Not. So.
Apparently, they hang out at my house.
How do I know this?
Well, I am glad you asked. I know this because Vivian the Obstinate Toy Poodle told me.
T--“Vivian! DAMMIT VIVIAN! What is with the poop in the hallway? Go the hell outside! POOP. OUTSIDE!”
Viv-- “I didn’t do it.”
T-- “Really? Then who did?”
Viv—“Not me.”
T—“You did.”
Vivo—“I didn’t”
T—“It was you”
Viv--“It wasn’t”
T—“Then how did it get here?”
Vivo—“A reindeer”
T—“A reindeer?”
Viv—“That’s right”
T—“That’s ridiculous, this is Texas, there are no reindeer in Texas.
Viv—“He’s from out of town. I met him online.”
T—“ You are dating a reindeer?”
Viv-- “Listen lady, I don’t pry into your private life. I would like the same respect. How would you like it if I interrogated you about all of the men you bring home?”
T—“All of the men I bring home? I do not bring men home!”
Viv—“ Well, maybe that’s your problem, if you did bring a man home once in a while you wouldn’t be so uptight about a little reindeer doo.
T—“Holy Mother give me strength”
Viv—“I’m just sayin’”
T--“Never mind! Forget I said anything. I’ll clean it up. Go back to butt licking or whatever it was that you were doing. I give up.
Viv—“I was checking out the new dudes on e-havarti dot com, it’s a dating site for cheese lovers and like minded individuals."
You know, Blitzen’s boss is single, he’s old like you, kind of chubby, but beggars can’t be choosers. I hear he will be in Fort Worth in a couple days. Do you want me to see if he is interested? I could be discreet. A date would do you good. It might help you take the edge off. Seriously, you have been a pain in the ass lately.
I could make a phone call…of course it would cost you a couple of slices of Velveeta, but really that is a small price to pay. You are not exactly a hot commodity these days. Say the word and I’ll hook you up. It would give you a good excuse to brush your hair.
I think you could use a little Christmas cheer, ‘tis the season and all that don’t you know!"
T-“Great idea asshole. Why don’t you do that! And when I see him? I think I’ll ask for a cat for Christmas. I hear they are quiet and they poop in a box. ”
Merry Christmas!
i am laughing out loud! and tell viv she's safe for now- cats, like reindeer, don't *always* poop in a box...
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