Any one of these beauties would be smashing.
I have a bad case of sofa lust just looking at them.
Oh, how I wish price were no object.
I would fire up the pay pal account and this fab danish modern number from E-Bay would be on it's way to Fort Worth.

The Marshmallow Sofa may have been considered a design failure in the 1950's but it is a winner with me.
I would marry it.


Manhattan Loft.
You can see it here...
Available in the fabric of your choice.
I would prefer it in the fabric of MY choice!
If only.
The chasm between what I want and what I can afford is (as it usually is) wide.
I spent the better part of Sunday morning drinking coffee and doing my version of on line bargain hunting.
No stone was left unturned. No site was too obscure. I was on a mission.
"I will find the perfect couch (cheap) Dammit! "
In the end I came up empty. Nada. Nuthin.
I did however come across this....

Yes Friend, it is what you think it is.
According to The Best Week Ever, it was listed on Craig's List recently.
Not quite right for the New Digs, but I think it's perfect for my gynecologists office.
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