Saturday, April 26, 2008

Author Bio

Due to my alarmingly short attention span, my interests are hard to list.
My brain frequently defaults to my fruitless search for an eligible straight man under the age of eighty with no chronic medical conditions.
Other areas of interest would include,ice cream, chickens and baked goods.
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Well, I am definately certifiable so I have to sign up as one of your followers. I am getting ready to turn 63 with the chemo brain of a 28 yr. old trapped inside me. Please stop by and visit my blog. I am trying to raise a 17 yr. old grandaughter but I think the tables have reversed and she is raising ME! Poor child. I send you my love and best wishes on your blog. Me, I am using my blog to retain what sanity I might have left. www.rivieraboardwalk.blogspot.com
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