Progress on the new digs came to a screeching halt on Monday. Why you ask?
Several weeks ago I received an effing summons for jury duty! My initial reaction was amusement. "No worries, I'll simply get out of it."
Then I did what I always do when I feel as if I am being treated unfairly by the world at large.
I picked up the phone and called my BFSK (best friend since kindergarten) S. The convo went something like this..
T: Hey! You're not going to believe what I got in the mail today.
S: Let me guess, A disconnect notice for water service, because you spent all your money on E-Bay last month? I'm not paying it.
T: (pause here for a deep cleansing breath) No, silly! (insert Bitchy Mc Bitcherton) A jury summons. Funny! Right? I'm not going. I just thought it was weird they would even send it. I am blaming this whole mix up on Hillary. If I wouldn't have registered to vote this would have never happened. Anyway, I'm not going. So what do I have to do to get out of it?
S: Well, there will be a price to pay for voting for Hillary. This is not it. The only way out is to prove you are mentally unsound, and while I know this is true, you have never had a formal diagnosis (did I mention she's a nurse?) You have to go. Don't worry. No attorney worth her retainer would want you on a jury. You'll be out by noon. Take hand sanitizer.
This was perhaps the best advice anyone has ever given me.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Author Bio

Due to my alarmingly short attention span, my interests are hard to list.
My brain frequently defaults to my fruitless search for an eligible straight man under the age of eighty with no chronic medical conditions.
Other areas of interest would include,ice cream, chickens and baked goods.
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