The run for the roses. The sport of kings. (OK, that's all I got.)
Who's running? I'm not sure.
What are the odds? I don't know.
Who won last year? I couldn't tell you.
What I do know is that today, in honor of the 134Th Kentucky Derby, I will be on the porch at the "New Digs", sipping a Mint Julep, sporting a fabulous chapeau, and humming "My Old Kentucky Home". No, I'm not from Kentucky; I'm from Kansas. Save the Dorothy jokes, I've heard them all.

So what if I live in Texas? I can't think of a better excuse to postpone repainting the living room "accent wall gone wrong" for the third effing time.
Besides, I think horses smell bad, and I love fancy hats.
Care to join me?
I cannot believe I am posting a recipe,
but here you go:
The Back of the Spoon Mint Julep
6 fresh mint leaves plus 1 mint sprig for garnish
1 teaspoon superfine sugar, or to taste
2 teaspoons water
crushed ice
1 1/2 ounces (1 jigger) bourbon
In a silver julep cup or 10-ounce glass crush together with the back of a spoon the mint leaves, the sugar, and the water until the sugar is dissolved and fill the cup with the ice. Add the bourbon, stir the julep well, and garnish it with the mint sprig.
Makes 1 drink.
Out-(on the porch) T.
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