A long, long time ago...
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And, maybe, theyd be happy for a while…
So bye-bye Miss. American Pie. It was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, Woodstock, and the summer of love, mini skirts and bell-bottoms. On TV, the Beaver and Wally were out. Pete, Julie and Linc --The Mod Squad were in. (Or so I am told. I am much too young to remember myself).
In episode 31 Linc was in a relationship with a secretive woman. The affair seemed doomed from the start. The fetching woman had a young child. This leads me to believe that she may have been a mommy blogger except that mommy bloggers have no secrets and it was 1969, so probably not.
What does this have to do with today’s post? Nothing really, except for the Linc part. If Linc were Link then this would be totally relevant and you would immediately understand what I am saying. As for the Don Mclean lyrics? Well, that is because I like pie and Miss America...Today's post is about links, pie, and Miss America. Make sense now?
I love links and fetching women. In that spirit, here are links to some posts I have recently read and loved. Any one of these chicks could have been Julie on The Mod Squad. They are just that cool.
1. SGM
3.mackin ink
4.the bloggess
5.desire to inspire
*If you are reading my list of links and saying to yourself "What the hell is wrong with her? These people are A list bloggers and everyone knows who they are. I saw these posts days ago...GAH!" I would like to say that I am not cool enough to be Julie, they are. Additionally I only discovered Google reader a couple of weeks ago (seriously). May I politely ask why you are holding out on me? If there are, blogs that you love please share.
Debra Barnes
Miss. America 1968
She was from Kansas-- She was also the first Miss. America to get her ass kicked by pissed off feminists (figuratively of course).
Alas, I have given up my dream of being Miss. America. I was never really cut out for the job. My measurements are all wrong. The talent portion of the competition would have been a problem. Then there is the whole "nice" thing. I think I would have made a better protester. Maybe it is not too late for that.

1.Cake or Pie?
Answer: Pie
2. Does Big Judes read your blog? Does she know you have a blog?
Answer: See above.
3. Do you adore valances, swags, scarves?
4.Is your lawn everything it could be and more?
5. Have you changed your HVAC filters within the past 6 months?
Answer: Pie
6.Did you ever wear pegged-leg jeans or tight-rolled jeans? Are there photos?
Answer: I am a fan of the Boyfriend jean. Cuffed jeans if worn correctly can be good. Do not use Katie Holmes as an example. I do have pictures. Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen? Obviously there is not a lot of excess pie consumption going on. I admire her restraint and her excellent sense of style.
Answer: If you are referring to pie –Yes! If you mean Coffee and Cigarettes? Occasionally. If you mean beer, Yak.
Well, if this wasn't about the sweetest post I ever did read! Thanks for the shout out!
Awwwwwwww, shucks, Tobi. I´m gonna bake you a pie.
Ok, so, is MY tiarra on straight? Did you use enough bobby pins? I don't want to start walking around just to have it fall to ground in bajillion pieces... :)
Thanks for the award, Tobi... your writing always makes me smile.
oh, come on! would an a-list blogger offer you her youngest child?
i think not.
i'm tired. got back last night, and we caught a serious case of the lag. boo. but it's been fun catching up on your writing.
you're funny. {yep. them's the extent of my words while afflicted with the lag. sorry.} xoxo!
I've posted my award. And I changed it. Liked your idea of pie way better.
SA- Love your post. So "sweet" I'll have Banana Cream please.
BS-Don't guess you would let me pick the flavor, or did you have something "special" in mind?
Barb- Tiara is fab doll--smile and wave!
Karey-Yay! You are back. Too true about the kid thing, but i wouldn't want just any'ol A list kid.
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